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children help mother prepare fruit in the kitchen

Top Tips for Picky Eaters

February 13, 2018
Did you know that it can take an average of 12 or more times offering a new food for your child to eat it?  Having your child try new foods can be hard. Here are our favorite tips on how to help children try new foods:  Get Children Involved - When at the grocery store, ask them to pick out a new fruit or vegetable they want to try. Have them help with washing and cutting the new food. This will make them excited to try it!  
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woman stands behind plates of food on a kitchen counter

One Chicken, Three Meals

December 19, 2017
Cooking a whole chicken feeds your family and saves you money.Most recipes call for boneless skinless chicken breast, but it can be very expensive. If you buy the whole chicken instead, you can save up to $2.00 per pound. These savings are not just for one meal. With just a few extra steps, your family can enjoy just one chicken in three different and tasty ways.Meal 1: Roasted Chicken
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glass of milk and bowl of raw spinach

Calcium: The Backbone of Healthy Development

December 18, 2017
We know that childhood is a very important time for growth. Kids are exploring their environments and making sense of the world around them. What they experience can have a big impact on their future choices. This is true for nutrition, too! Children are learning what foods they like and what ones they would rather avoid. Parents are tasked with providing nutritious meals that will help their children’s minds and bodies grow strong. Calcium is important for all of us, but it is especially beneficial for children and young adults.
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sweet pumpkin sloppy joe sandwich with side of spinach salad

Pumpkin is Not Only for Desserts this Fall!

October 26, 2017
You cannot ignore it – pumpkins are everywhere. From pies, to coffee, and even bagels, it is hard to avoid. However, pumpkin is a versatile ingredient that does not always have to mean desserts and sugar. Our Sweet Pumpkin Sandwiches, a cousin to the more familiar Sloppy Joe, shows that pumpkin can shine as part of the main course, too.Choosing & Storing Pumpkin: Look for pumpkins without cuts and soft spots, and that are firm and heavy for their size. You can store pumpkins in a cool, dark place for up to two months.
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fruit and yogurt breakfast parfait with granola on top

Enjoy Strawberries with a Breakfast Parfait

May 30, 2017
Seeing pints of strawberries is a welcome sight at farmers' markets! When they are in season, strawberries tend to be easier to find, taste sweeter, and cost less than what we pay during the winter.Eating strawberries fresh as a snack is a great way to enjoy this sweet fruit. They also work great in easy recipes, like our Breakfast Parfait.Strawberries Nutrition: Strawberries are high in vitamin C, boasting more than citrus fruits when comparing ounce to ounce. Strawberries are also a high in folate, an important nutrient for your body's cell and tissue growth.
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asparagus cabbage cherries and lettuce next to a list of other produce in-season in May in May

What's In Season for May?

May 16, 2017
We love the month of May! Not only are the temperatures getting warmer, but you're in for a treat at the local markets! Many local farmers' markets in Illinois are opening up this month if they take a winter break. There will be more and more variety for you to choose from as the month goes on. What's in Season for May?
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bowl of black eyed pea salad

5 Ingredients or Less: Black-Eyed Peas Salad

May 9, 2017
May's five ingredients or less recipe is a super versatile side dish that you will love! Enjoy it with your favorite sandwich, serve it at a BBQ, and bring it from home as part of your lunch. We love how the different flavors mix together for a savory dish that is perfect for Spring.
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3 whole zucchini

Zucchini: A Great Addition to Your March Table!

March 24, 2017
Though zucchini is officially classified as a summer squash, it is easy to find at the store all year long. Zucchini is a versatile vegetable and tastes great sautéed, baked into a casserole, added to soups, dipped raw into dip or added to top of a salad. And the extra bonus: zucchini's flowers (aka squash blossoms) are also edible! Our recipe below is a fun way to feature this vegetable and is a great one to get the kids involved in the kitchen.Zucchini Nutrition: Zucchini is fat and sodium (salt) free, low in calories, and high in vitamin C.
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